1. Copy of
    • Records in relevant and independent registry in the country of establishment
    • Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
    • Constitutional Document
    • Ownership and Control Structure
    • Committee/Board resolution authorizing the opening of an account and appointment of authorized signatories
    • Register of Partners
    • Letter of Recommendation from a Reputable Bank OR Bank Statement (within last 3 months)
    • Letter of Recommendation from a Local Bank OR Bank Statement (within last 3 months)
    • Register of Shareholders/Owner
  2. Copy of ID Documents* for
    • Directors,
    • Owner/Partners,
    • Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO), and
    • Authorized Users (i.e., person to act on behalf of the company for all transaction purpose.
  3. Proof of Residential Address within last 3 months (if residential address of the person is different from or not reflected on the ID Document)
*ID Documents will be either uploaded by applicant when apply online OR provided by the person if eKYC is applicable. Please follow the given instructions during application.